
Why You Should Get Public Liability Insurance for Your Business

Insurance Blog

As a business owner, it's crucial to protect yourself and your business from unforeseen risks and potential liabilities. One essential safeguard you should consider is public liability insurance. This blog post will explore the reasons why getting public liability insurance for your business is a wise decision. Financial Protection against Accidents Accidents can happen at any time, and they can be costly. If a customer or a member of the public suffers an injury or property damage due to your business activities, you could be held legally liable for their losses.

18 August 2023

As a Service Provider, Do You Need Errors and Omissions Insurance?

Insurance Blog

If you're in business to provide a service of any kind, you may need to consider a specific type of insurance to protect yourself from claims related to your work. This is completely separate from public liability insurance and is more concerned with your professional capability and the consequences of any mistakes. So, what do you need to know about errors and omissions insurance? A Different Type of Liability Insurance

21 July 2022

Two Reasons Why Beauty Therapists Need Public Liability Insurance

Insurance Blog

Whilst performing beauty treatments is not generally a very risky business activity, beauty therapists should still consider getting public liability insurance. Here are two reasons why. 1. In case one of their clients has a bad reaction to a treatment Some people are allergic to the ingredients in common beauty treatments; for example, a significant number of people are sensitive to certain essential oils, which are often included in the products beauty therapists use to give facials, or to some types of wax that these professionals use when removing their clients' body and facial hair.

19 July 2021

Two tips for new pharmacists who want to set up their own pharmacies

Insurance Blog

If, after finishing your pharmacy studies recently, you are now a fully-fledged pharmacist and you would like to set up your own pharmacy business, you might benefit reading and following the advice below. Invest in the most comprehensive form of pharmacy insurance you can find Setting up a pharmacy is expensive; the cost of purchasing OTC medicines, toiletries, prescription medications and other stock, hiring employees, renting the pharmacy premises, setting up a website and marketing this new business will require you to invest a large amount of capital (which will probably need to come in the form of a bank loan if you have just recently qualified and have not yet had time to accumulate much wealth).

13 February 2020

Understanding Restaurant and Cafe Insurance

Insurance Blog

When you have a food industry business, you should get a restaurant and cafe insurance in the case of a fire, theft or flood. This type of insurance can help cover the income you lost, and you will not suffer huge losses even if you had to close temporarily. This will give you enough space and time to restore your restaurant to its previous state. This is similar to if a customer or supplier was injured in your restaurant, and they sued you for damages; the insurance will cover you for this as well.

22 May 2019

3 Strategies To Find The Most Appropriate Life Insurance Policy For Your Needs

Insurance Blog

You may have taken insurance for granted, but the truth is that it is an important weapon in your arsenal. Life insurance shouldn't be taken lightly because it can protect your family from financial issues in the unlikely event of your demise. Mortality is uncertain—and it can happen any time. With so many insurance options available to you, how do you choose? An insurance broker will help you by shopping around, but it pays to have some knowledge on your own too.

27 June 2018

4 Types of Insurance for Startup Companies

Insurance Blog

Every business has inherent risks that entrepreneurs must consider when they launch operations. Business insurance can safeguard your company against several scenarios that might prove costly such as liability cases and damage to property. Finding the right cover will set a businessperson on a sound economic footing from the get-go. Here are four types of business insurance that every startup company must know. Commercial Property Insurance -- Physical property such as equipment, machinery, furniture, inventory, and buildings are susceptible to damage.

18 January 2018

Insurance Needed By Small Business Owners and Those Who Are Self-Employed

Insurance Blog

Owning a small business or being self-employed can mean many freedoms and rewards, but it can also mean taking on all the risks of your work and your business yourself. Any errors, oversights and other such mistakes on your part can be very costly and can mean losing your business; in some cases, you might even risk losing your house and other private property. Having the right insurance can protect you from this type of loss and cover any damage or costs that are due to your errors or negligence.

31 August 2017

Three Management Guidelines for Workers' Compensation Issues


Workers' compensation is a compulsory and essential form of insurance for businesses with employees. This provides financial protection to the company by covering wage replacement and even medical treatment for workers who sustain injuries within the workplace. Unfortunately, compensation claims can be quite expensive for the business, resulting in reduced profits. Therefore, as an employer, it is important for you to invest in the effective management of this insurance and significant reduction of pertinent claims.

10 March 2017